What is knocking at the door of your heart? When will you realize the knocking is coming form inside? What once engaged you - no longer fulfills you. When your heart and mind intersect - you know its time to step forward. You are ready to meta-connect - be fully present, aligned, alive and dialed in.
Brace yourself - Listen, Let Go, Be Curious. You are about to move beyond your comfortable, familiar, safe excuses and be pulled towards a risky exciting future.
Listen to the voice within. Let go of being liked of fitting in. Be curious and ask "why" questions.
A curious person is a thinking person.
Brilliant Decree
I am open to what wants to emerge in my life.
I think clearly
I am learning how to be totally present at the moment and to pay attention to everything around me.
I am letting go of performance based relationships that take from me and never give back.
I am listening with my ears and with my heart.
I am a careful observer of everything that happens around me.
The next step
Read and summaries the key learning of a book a month.
Share it with someone else so that the key takeaways become anchored in you.
Ref. Insight 2 Brilliant Living Simon T Bailey